Lviv, the hidden Cafe Capital of the world

11 January, 2023
Video By - FT Life

Did you know the city with the highest number of cafés per capita? It’s neither Paris nor Vienna. It’s the city of Lviv, Ukrainian cultural capital. Legend has it, a Lviv native YuriiKulchytsky founded one of the Vienna’s first coffee houses in seventeenth century after discovering coffee beans left by the retreating Ottomans. You will find traditional Viennese style coffee houses, theme cafes such as Math café for mathematicians, Kiss café for lovers etc. You will need an entire month If you wish to taste the coffee from all cafes of Lviv. You will find cafes on street side, inside heritage buildings, hiding in the cute alleyways and almost everywhere. So, come to Lviv if coffee means something to you or let us explain how good a coffee afternoon can be.

TAGS: Lvivukraine


Over the past 10 years I traveled more than 200 places in 27 countries and a pleasure to be able to share my travel experience and knowledge I have gathered during those days.

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