The little Paris of the east, Lviv

11 January, 2023
Video By - euronews

Once a main trading center between East and Western Europe, Lviv has had many influences after hundreds of years Polish and Austrian rules, then German occupation and then Soviet Era. The city of Lviv in the west of Ukraine is perhaps the best example of the stark differences between the country’s main centres. Its ancient streets give the city a feeling of being an historic and popular spot in Western Europe. It is not surprising that Lviv is often referred to as the ‘Little Paris of the East’. Many of the old buildings and monuments date back to the 13th century, reflecting various European styles and periods.

TAGS: europeLvivukraine


Over the past 10 years I traveled more than 200 places in 27 countries and a pleasure to be able to share my travel experience and knowledge I have gathered during those days.

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